Online Resources for Cognitive Neuroscience

This is an evolving list to learn more about Cognitive Neuroscience for free. If you have suggestions for resources to include, please email

Online Seminar Series

  1. World Wide Neuro: a new initiative to bring seminars and talks online.
  2. The Learning Salon: a weekly forum where people explore bridges and contentions in biological and artificial learning.

Free Courses on YouTube

  1. Cognitive Neuroscience Course by The Cellular Republic
  2. The Human Brain by MIT OpenCourseWare

Free Videos

  1. The Brain by Bozeman Science
  2. Neuroanatomy made ridiculously simple
  3. Brain Imaging, Crash Course
  4. Brain Basics: An Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience
  5. Intro to Neuroscience

Talks and discussions

  1. Mark D’Esposito: Cognitive Neuroscience – Sane Society

Free Courses to Audit

  1. Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience by NPTEL
  2. HarvardX’s Fundamentals of Neuroscience
  3. Computational Neuroscience: Neuronal Dynamics of Cognition

Audio Lectures

  1. Neuroscience and Behavior by Professor Gerald Schneider


  1. System Neuroscience labs from MIT OpenCourseWare
  2. The Whole Brain Atlas
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