
Introduction to EEG and Its Importance

Electroencephalography (EEG) is a non-invasive method used to measure electrical activity in the brain. This technique involves placing electrodes on the scalp, which detect tiny electrical charges resulting from the activity of brain cells. Principles of Brain Activity Measurement EEG captures the brain’s electrical symphony, a complex performance produced by...

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What is Local SEO and How to Do It

Local keywords are search terms that include specific geographic locations, such as city names, neighborhoods, or regions. These keywords help local businesses connect with potential customers in their vicinity, making them invaluable for local SEO efforts. If I start a digital marketing agency in London, which I just might someday,...

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5 Easy Steps to Verify Your Website is Crawlable

Ensuring your website is crawlable is a cornerstone of technical SEO, impacting how a search engine understands and ranks your content. The process of crawling refers to how search engine bots navigate and index the pages of your website. Given the significance of web crawling in SEO, verifying the crawlability...

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Guide to Analyzing EEG Data

Understanding EEG Signals Basics of Brain Activity and Electrical Signals The human brain is a complex network of billions of neurons, nerve cells, that communicate with each other through electrical impulses. These electrical signals are the basis of brain function, influencing everything from sensory perception to motor control, cognition, and...

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Brain Research and Neuroscience Datasets: Looking Beyond Kaggle

Are you a researcher or a data enthusiast looking for valuable neuroscience datasets in the field of brain research? While Kaggle is a popular go-to platform for datasets, there are several other options available that provide open-source and free data for your projects and analyses. In this blog, we will...

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Top 12 WordPress Themes for Portfolio Websites

If you’re like me, finding the perfect portfolio WordPress themes for your website has felt like an endless quest. I’ve been down nearly every road you can imagine in the search for the right fit – diving into 10-12 different themes and even venturing to build one from scratch using...

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Visual Imagery vs. Mental Imagery

Visual imagery and mental imagery are two fascinating cognitive processes that allow us to perceive and experience the world around us in unique ways. While they share similarities, they also possess distinct characteristics that set them apart. Visual imagery, often referred to as visual mental imagery or the mind’s eye,...

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